Monday, April 20, 2009

"101" haunt from Bogor

What is this haunt? Two weeks ago, i went to Bogor with some of my goofies friends. We played three games and i shot scores of 101 for each of the rounds. Consistency.... yah? Yes, but at a wrong level. After my return, i had two rounds since and for both rounds, I shot scores of 101. I am looking forward to this sat game as i need the break the jinx.


Anonymous said...

Dick - better check with Bobby. Probably "the other chap" is also adding his scores to yours!!!

gerald said...

dick, then you should go place IOI course..:)

Boon Check said...

Yep, Dick this Sat maybe could be 102!!! :-(

BobbyT said...

Dick Gerald is quite right. There is a place call "Seribu-Satu" translated its "1001" not quite 101. But it is bagroooouse. That's the place the infamous sushi on body picture take quite a few years ago in the news - if you still remembers them