Sunday, October 4, 2009

Such a cock-up weekend

Since Dick was late for his 0715 game two weeks ago, he decided to head for NSRCC early this weekend. He had "Kopi Tiam" breakfast set at the Terrace. Paired together with Peter, Huat Siong and Richard only to find out that the flight was for next week 10th Oct instead. We tried to get an extra ordinary flight from Ong at the counter. Ong checked with his new starter ( short Malay staff) if he could insert an additional flight. The new starter did not agree as the flights are tightly slotted and furthermore, there is a 4BBB qualifying in the afternoon,

As it was Dick's error, we could do nothing about it. However, we managed to get a slot for Huat Siong to play with three strangers. Huat Siong commented, "Wah, white tee leh". Peter and Dick headed to Par 3 instead and after the first hole of 93m, met his old squash friends from Kim Keat, Dennis and Steven. the foursome then joined and played together form the second hole onwards. Play was very slow as there were many beginners playing in front of us.  After completing 9-holes of the Par 3, Peter and Dick headed to the staff canteen, now run by an ex-marshall and his brother.

On sunday another event happened. Dick booked a 0953 flight for his friend but forgotten to cancel it. Dick work up unusual time at 0715 and remembered that the flight was not sold. "What to do?" ran through the mind of Dick. To be slapped with a $168 now show or get some kakis to play the flight. Call a few goofies but only managed to get Bobby and Kheng Poh at the last hour. Was very appreciative of Bobby as it is his birthday and he consented to join. Kheng Poh "siam" his church service to join.

This must be the most cock-up weekend since we started playing at NSRCC on weekend.

Whew! Glad it is all over.


gerald said...

Glad its over Dick. Let's look forward to the hole-in-one celebration on Monday!!

CYM said...

Dick, there are many more weekends to go. Sign of old age, I think.

My week is worse than yours. Down with stomach flu on Tues & Wed. Wed morning suffered slight chest pain but because more severe in the nite. Got worry and checked into hospital at 11pm. Put on observation for the nite. Discharged at 6am, Thur. Murphy at it again, car battery completely flat. What a week, so thought come Sat would be better. And so I thought, played my worse golf game of the year. Lost drink hole, 2 sixes, 2 full houses and beer. My game affected poor Vincent. His first game with me. But still I passed the week with a smiling faces because of you guys for companion. Praying hard for a much improved one next week.

Phil said...

Dick yeah we all have slip ups once in a while. No too sure if result of old age!

CYM can speak for himself - he's older and grandpapa already!

Like Gerald said, glad its over.
One thing though - your good buddies Kheng Poh and Bobby agreed to play.

gerald said...


it could have been worse...losing 3 sixes!!! no henry!!

Ernie Els said...

I missed playing with Tiger in the last SUNDAY flight as well... :(