It was really an awesome week of golf for Goofies and I have the benefit of being on the front seat.
Jimmy Ang Thiam Huat (nicknames, God of Putting and sometimes "Thiam Thiam Huat") rolled 8 pars in a row on Airforce. It was truly a masterful display of solid puttings. He rolled in putts after putts from seemly impossible positions. He turned at 1 over 37, only failing to par AF9. Unfortunately, he faltered a little on Navy but still shot a very respectable 41. The total was an awesome 79. Any time you have a 7 prefix, it is an awesome game.
Billy Foo (nickname, Billy Bomber)known for his booming drives, shot a personal best of 80, breaking his previous PB by 8 shots!! Wow! According to Billy, he sprayed some shots into troubles but he made solid recoveries. What is scary about Billy Bomber is that on Navy 6, the Par-3, he was 1-on and 4-putted. Imagine if he had just bogeyed that hole, it would have been a 77!!!
Me, on a comeback after 6 months and badly off-formed, was put into a konglong flight with TTH, Vloh and Kian Boon. All of them thrashed me on the front 9 with Mr TTH shamelessly (yes, shamelessly!! :)) taking 4 strokes and thrashing me by 7 holes on front 9 alone. Feeling that I had no chance against him, I focussed on Vloh and Kian Boon. My game improved after crossover, managing to halve KB and beat Vloh on the back 9. I budgetted $100 bucks to give away and I escaped with $55. Not counting a jug of beer :). Hopefully, my best game is not too far away.
The big fun was at Jumbo!! 2 full tables of Goofies celebrated Mr Ken Lai's 25th birthday. Somehow it was strange that all Goofies seem to have the same age!!! Why huh?
Mr TTH of course was busy collecting money from everyone at the restaurant. Who wouldn't, after shooting 78. He was anxiously waiting for the last flight to come back. Somehow, he was waiting for more money from Billy. When Billy sat down at the table, he had a silly grin on his face.
Thinking that he probaby had a bad day, I asked him to pay money to Mr TTH because of his 78. Then he asked, "What do you think I shot?". "80" was his answer!! Magnificent 80. Mr Billy Bomber bombed Mr TTH with his errr....12 (shameless :) )strokes!!
Mr TTH still wanted to compare cards, me and KB were laughing all the way. 78 vs 80 with 12 strokes? What is there to compare???
It was certainly a hillarious and fun afternoon. Our neighbouring table even came over with his Black Label.
I am happy to be back to the fold of Goofies and to see some exhibition puttings on the greens? It was the icing on the cake!!!